Monday 6 April 2015

Mass Recruitment Drive For Al-Shabaab-Find out

NAIROBI: At least 40families in Isiolo County have reported their children missing over the last one year, with fears they could have gone to Somalia to join the Al-Shabaab terrorist group. They are jobless youths aged 18to 22years and considering they are from one county alone, it raises concerns about the extent of Al-Shabaab’s recruitment of young Kenyans. The reports come on the back of revelations that one of the gunmen who participated in the slaughter of147 at Garissa University College disappeared two years ago only to reappear last Thursday to lead the murderous rampage. Atleast40parents have reported to police in Isiolo about the disappearance of their children in the last one year. More worrying are reports that of those missing, at least 30 are students at a local secondary school said to have failed to return last year. And the figure of the youths reported missing could be much higher, according to authorities. See also: Fallen Recce officer's AP brother was killed by Al-Shabaab in Garissa two years ago Monday, some leaders from Mandera, Garissa and Wajir vowed to identify, document and expose members, financiers and sympathisers of Al-Shabaab in their counties and hand the list to the Government for action within a month. "We will within a week mobilise our constituents, and working with national and county governments, compile and submit details of suspects with Government agencies validating the information to guard against any victimisation," the leaders said in a statement read out to journalists at the Boma Hotel, by National Assembly Majority Leader Aden Duale (see other story). Isiolo County Police Commander Nelson Okionga Monday said "many" Muslim parents had reported disappearance of male youths in the last two years. Mr Okionga added that his office had compiled the list, which he promised to provide to the media today. "The compiled list (of those reported missing) is with the District Criminal Investigations Officer (DCIO). Today is a holiday and you can get it tomorrow," Okionga told The Standard. And four parents who spoke to The Standard Monday on condition of anonymity due to sensitivity of the matter said their children went missing early last year

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