Monday 20 April 2015

Breaking: Key Terror suspect Arrested Monday Night

A key Al-ShRecce GSUabaab operative has tonight been arrested in Somalia while scouring one of the popular malls in Nairobi’s Kayole estate for a possible attack.

According to sources privy to the operation, Dadacha Yusuf Abdullahi was arrested while sitting inside the Nakumatt Shujaa Mall as he surveyed the building for a possible attack. Dadacha did not know that key security officers followed him from Mandera to Nairobi where he arrived late last week.

Sleuths have been on his tail without his knowledge. He was picked from the crowded mall by the anti-terrorism police officers who have been conducting the investigations.

His arrest brought relief in the security circles as he was believed to be planning an attack at one of the key malls in Eastlands. Security officers breathed a sigh of relief after his arrest and openly celebrated.

Dadacha is believed to be one of the Manyani trained Kenyans who joined the Al-Shabaab after failing to join the Somalia government security as earlier intended. According to investigators, Dadacha was born in Moyale where he also went to school.


credit: Kahawa Tungu

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