Sunday 2 November 2014


When nominations were held for the position of Editor-In-Chief, several people submitted their papers but only one MARY WANGARE made it. Regardless of the issues that surrounded her nomination, she has remained strong and defied odds, finally she’s made it with the publication of GOLDCAMP Magazine.

We sought to dig deeper to know who Mary Wangare is.


Tsamparada daily: Who is Mary Wangare?

Wangare: Mary is a young lady, a third year student at Rongo University College, pursuing Bed arts {Eng. /Lit} option, currently the editor-in-chief of the school.

 Tsamparada daily: Tell us more about yourself, your background and where you come from?

Wangare: Am this ever smiling lady, some of my friend wonder whether I ever frown…Nyandarua county is my home place, from a typical background, similar to most of the students in campus.

 Tsamparada daily: In campus politics, your relationship with the Central Association has been in the limelight, most especially as regards to your nomination, tell us more.

Wangare; Am the former secretary of the Central students association having been one of the people who came up with group. However my nomination was not done with regards to my position in the CCA.Had it been so the vetted students would have been from the CCA only.kamary

Tsamparada daily: How has your work been as Editor-In-Chief?

Wangare; It has not been that easy. The post is very involving and frankly I have learnt a lot since I got the post, especially during the publication of the magazine. Am never the mediocre character I was then.

 Tsamparada daily: What are some of the challenges faced during the publication of the Magazine?

Wangare; Lack of capital was the core challenge but thanks God we thrived through it. Thank to my very committed editorial team who worked day and night to see the magazine a success.

 Tsamparada daily: Any marketing strategy in Mind for the Magazine?

Wangare; Apart from selling our magazine to the campus fraternity, we are also marketing it online to ensure that it reaches other interested persons out there.

Tsamparada daily: What are your future plans for the magazine, frequency of publication?

Wangare; I would love to see us publish the magazine more frequently though that will depend much on the ‘heads’ view of the same.

 Tsamparada daily: What should we expect in the Magazine?

Wangare; Our magazines main aim is innovation and creativity among the students, and to empower students in social, economic and political life; the magazine is all rounded. Expect the best from it

 Tsamparada daily: As per the allegations laid before you when you emerged the winner, nominated to the position of Editor-In-Chief, what’s your say on them?

Wangare; Much was said but neither did it hinder me from moving on nor affect my social life. I knew I was clean.In fact that hardened me enough and it made me recognize my true friends.

Tsamparada daily: When you exit the campus union, what plans do you have, any businesses?
Wangare; My education comes first. The rest will follow.

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Tsamparada daily: Rate the performance of the Union during this Academic year.

Wangare;  Our union is the best. Unity and teamwork is their core values and through this they have made significant changes. Bravo to them!


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