Thursday 20 November 2014


BY; Faith Agape.

Optimistically examining the trend that the current society is taking as a stake to promote future development is rather horrific, perversity has stained the fabric of our society leading to a state of development imbalance across the sectors of the economy. Shockingly, according to the community’s attitude on corruption it seems that this monster has been accepted and welcomed. Consequently, this has led to the onset of a derogating and retrogressive culture.

Tracking the progress of activities from national employment “provision” to land rows to the flagship of development projects ,it reflects the terrible impact of corruption .The recent recruitment of police officers which is alleged to have been a misconduct clearly indicates that administrative activities are yet to be questioned and reformed .This deteriorates the   role of the security and defense wing in the country .On the other hand, the police force is pacesetting in bribery claiming that their economic status is at stake due to poor pay ,delayed promotions ,plus poor accommodation facilities. Perhaps, this may trigger the government to table the matter and chart the way forward condemning the mounting wave of corruption in the security sector. Additionally, it is important for the government to deem the military sector an investive share of the economy as this will yield quality service. When security being instrumental in flourishing a country, is jeopardized the rest of a country’s endeavors are inevitably destabilized.

Land wrangles have recently been the topic of the day and persistently dividing the country on irrational political grounds .The land CS ,Charity Ngilu in liaison with N.L.C chairman Mr. Swazuri are almost chocked by the land disputes that are evidently becoming a hard-nut to crack. The legal ownership of Karen land which is transparently depicting a one-to-many relationship which eventually does not declare rightful ownership is needed bringing discredit to the offices concerned. Though this subsequently piled pressure and simultaneously enlighten the ministry of lands to re-strategize on land policies, the verdict on clearing the Karen land grabbing is barely predictable. This is time consuming and derailing development undertakings in the country. Interestingly, corruption is whirling around this stuff.

Notwithstanding, it is frustrating to learn that some key officials are abusing political mandate to dishonorably acquire land from the common “mwananchi”. Imposing threats to the common people by employing heavily armed security personnel is very misappropriate and humiliating from our leadership. This is an open book for the poor governance and selfishness in leadership. Truthfully, our governance needs refined reconstitution and prefabrication otherwise we are set to tarnish our legacies. The lives of great men and women have illustrated how they left the world better place to live, citing Nelson Mandela, Prof. Wangari, Mother Theresa and many others. Objectively doing mischief with resources for personal gain is a menace and one should be ashamed of because it is countering communal empowerment and achievement. Numerous development engagements have been hampered due to malicious interventions of the so-called flag-bearers .The teachers’ pay tussle has been hampered from regime to regime due to misunderstanding that stemmed from malpractices in the utilization of funds. Isn’t this heartbreaking? Why should teachers-springs of knowledge-who have been voicing out their grievances since 1997, not attended to in a definite manner? For how long will such outcries overwhelmingly suffocating the atmosphere at least come to rest?

Instant action should be taken to avert dire consequences which presumably impede our focus towards actualizing the advancing vision of 2030. In connection to this, the procurement of std1 laptops is a question which I wonder who is to answer yet money had long been allocated this transaction. Corruption is almost becoming a spirit which is invading everyone, from the newborns to the aged. The recent mischievous event by a renowned religious leader has demonstrated how wicked the society has revolutionized. Our familiar holy grounds or places of worship are turning into points of unprofitable contractual agreements and transactions. Why should laws on giving be enforced in discriminatory? Must you plant a seed for your heap of problems to be cleared? This somewhat demeans the value of religious beliefs. We should courageously unlearn the perception of acknowledging that corruption as a necessary evil, since the consequences are depriving. Whatever we do should not only be productive to us but also to others around. This will exponentially increase the zeal to work diligently for the good of the society, essentially in accomplishing communal objectives. A nation should put concerted effort in collaboration with the government to embrace a corruption free trend by vibrantly campaigning and setting s SAY-NO-TO-CORRUPTION Day in a bid to appreciate the benefits ascribed to uploading integrity in our daily dealings. Furthermore, if the society can inculcate the virtue of generosity as well as exercise voluntary service so as to promote and spread dignity across the borders. The Swiss being among the well developed countries across the globe are posing challenge to the rest through the distinct virtue of selflessness and voluntary action which seems to have been injected into the nation. This has fruitfully resulted into well established and stable country upholding and walking in integrity. Failure to achieve is simply dismissing a trail! Otherwise corruption will immortally threaten the future of a nation.

will we ever achieve the vision 2030? Its still a mirage.

vision3 vision2 vision

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