Saturday 1 November 2014


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It has always proved tricky writing about the “big wings”, it has always been more “expensive” writing about the untouchables in our society, and it has always been more disastrous writing about the extended academic court-K.U but could we be in an era of academic ethnicity sandwiched with politics unknowingly? We seek to dig deeper.

Long hours of protests that were witnessed in Kenyatta University during the campaigns for KUSO leadership highlighted increasing cases of students protest over what they term as administration interference in student’s elections. Statistical data from the varsity shows that for the past five years, the students that have been suspended and expelled in the university have been affiliated to a given political outfit nationaly.Despite issues being raised over the integrity of the said varsity VC-Prof. Mugenda, she is fiercely feared in newsrooms where editors fear that publication or airing of any story that is deemed negative will lead to withdrawal of advertisements’. The university is among the biggest advertisers in Kenya. Prof .Mugenda is also a board member at the Nation Media Group where editors have been briefed to sing her praises over and over while keeping a blind eye on accusations over her management style and relatively skewed promotions. The disqualification of Sammy Owino Babu for the position of KUSO presidency was traumatic, unexpected and uncalled for just like the baseless accusations that were thrown on his way. The cities leading blog noted “In the past seven years, university officials who oversee the elections have disqualified students who are deemed to be against the University management from vying. In reality, sadly, these students belong to a specific community, or, group of communities in western Kenya………….students leaders have interpreted the disqualification as “ rigging before voting” since such action have given advantage to weaker aspirants who are “friendly” to the administration in winning the seats.”

The current mass flow of strikes within our universities is wanting and must be condemned in the strongest terms possible. But how will we act fast and swiftly to control it? Why condemn it when in real sense it’s the administrations of such universities that call for it? When the administration resorts to use of force, suppression, oppression of students and a clear cut of all the channels of communication and the uncalled for interference in the students union politics. As tertiary centers of academic excellence and research, dialogue should be key and the administrations should opt for a neutral ground not taking any political side.

Positive criticism is good for the society, it helps in growth and self evaluation, time is ripe the university managements appreciated this. At the heart of this were the double suspension of one Cyprian Nyakundi from Meru University and his summary Expulsion thereafter in what the university termed as soiling the reputation of the university in social media. Mind you, this was a young institution then which was busy grappling with its own share of challenges, so when one cnyakundi took to his blog to raise the issues like poor road access, scrambling for food in the mess, insufficient lecture chairs, instead of the university acting, they “paid him in kind-expulsion”

Benmark Nganga, Nathan Mutugi and Denis Muchiri that is the president, the vice and the secretary General of the disbanded Technical University were last week expelled from the Mombasa based university. The leaders were accused for inciting fellow students, rallying them to sabotage classes and participation on illegal demonstration. The three leaders drawned from the larger Mount Kenya region faced the Knife, the question being asked now is could Technical University of Mombasa be representing the reality on the ground that Universities are slowly but surely turning to be tribalism throttleholds? One Mr.Juma Paul noted, “this typically is a lack of understanding between the administration and what it means having a students organization.TUMSO being the first independent organization in TUM, the VC, Prof Mwatela absolutely ignored the significance of dialogue with the students organization, Nevertheless, he didn’t really came out quite frankly to address the issues before deciding to expel the student leaders! The ways he used are quite unclear, undetermined and, to some extent, divide-and-rule! Now the fate of various students is on his reign and to this moment I have not seen any serious progress towards reaching the common agreement. Will the institution run without student leaders?”

The students had earlier on demonstrated over the delay in HELB and to this fateful one, they were for the registration of their engineering courses with the EBK.

In a similar incident last year at Kimathi University, Kay Qube, a blogger with the freemytongue was also suspended for articulating his ideas, thoughts and experiences over the social media following the death of one of their own student, Mr. Morris who died in unclear circumstances within the university. The death of Morris saw the university witness the worst demonstrations of its time due to the casual way they said late student was handled.

This further sends me to Egerton University, the Nakuru-Njoro based institution has also had a share of its unexplained, shallow minded, open administrative dictatorship and ethno-related expulsion and suspensions. Could something be going wrong with the top management of these universities? In last year, during Egertons’ most trying moments, Mr. Ooko victor of Ookoscope blog was suspended from the University for organizing and participating in illegal demonstration. The then, Secretary General to the Union was forced to pack his belongings and go back home-to Kitengela. The accumulated amount that was charged on him as accrued damage of properties was wanting, ksh 245,895 upon his return.

Are these universities churning revolutionists in waiting? Does it mean dissenting views are not accepted in our centers of academic excellence? In an open mind, these institutions have grown to CENTRES OF ETHNIC EXELLENCE!!

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