Saturday 29 November 2014


As politics gain momentum in Homa bay, the people of Homa bay county have witnessed a great disrespect. One of Raila Odinga aides could not hold his horses, his selfishness led him to produce his posters before even the late senator was buried, what a disrespect. 


According to the star newspaper, the man is adversely mentioned in Miguna Migunas' peeling back the mask, the question is, who could it be? Your guess is as right as mine.....

" One of former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s aides has angered
the people of Homa Bay county following reports he has already
produced his campaign posters to inherit the seat left vacant after
the death of Senator Otieno Kajwang’. Those who spoke to
corridors said the man, who is mentioned adversely in Miguna
Miguna’s book Peeling Back the Mask, should have held his
horses till Kajwang' was buried before declaring his interest. They
have threatened to teach him a lesson."
You can follow this link for the full story.....


As politics gain momentum in Homa bay, the people of Homa bay county have witnessed a great disrespect. One of Raila Odinga aides could not hold his horses, his selfishness led him to produce his posters before even the late senator was buried, what a disrespect. 


According to the star newspaper, the man is adversely mentioned in Miguna Migunas' peeling back the mask, the question is, who could it be? Your guess is as right as mine.....

" One of former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s aides has angered
the people of Homa Bay county following reports he has already
produced his campaign posters to inherit the seat left vacant after
the death of Senator Otieno Kajwang’. Those who spoke to
corridors said the man, who is mentioned adversely in Miguna
Miguna’s book Peeling Back the Mask, should have held his
horses till Kajwang' was buried before declaring his interest. They
have threatened to teach him a lesson."
You can follow this link for the full story.....

Sunday 23 November 2014


[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="600" caption="Ending the week in fashion and style, come one, come all, an event like no other! @Ruc"]image[/caption]


[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="600" caption="Ending the week in fashion and style, come one, come all, an event like no other! @Ruc"]image[/caption]

Saturday 22 November 2014


Seems the people of Homa Bay county have spoken, they are tired and sick of the weekling leadership structure put under Govn. Awitis' watch, with false promises, white elephant projects, unimplimented manifesto , the voters have said enough is enough as corruption has gained grounds and become the norm, the town has been "forcefully" been kept dirty, from the open litter centre behind Homa bay high school, just adjecent to the stadium on the Hospital road to the dirty stadium.
In our feature today, we sample their thoughs and seek to dig for the truth, can someone say something.

Hon. Cyprian Awiti, governor homabay county, with all the due respect
you need to clean your house beacuase it is in a total mess. Your
ministers and chief executives are defiling this county while you sit and
watch . You employed criminals who are looting our county resources
with impunity. They have ensured that your are locked into a cacoon of
wrong advisers, the Lucifer's diehards.
Hon Cyprian Waiti, if you don't sack the following individuals the count
your government as a failed government;
1. Mr Nick Koriko- minister for finance, this guy is extremely corrupt
and crafty and has been behind scams that has befallen your
government. He has looted over ksh 120 million shillings from homabay
2. Mr. Otie Polo - the county chief auditor, his first name means
corruption and his second name means impunity. He has ensured that
all the auditor queries are covered and you are kept ignorant of what is
happening. I am told he is preparing to control range constituency CDC
comes 2017. Polo is an architecture of corruption in your govt, he has
placed his relatives and family strategically in positions where he can
easily loot from the county. The auditor has been corrupt all his life.
3. Mr. Opala- PS trade and industry, was employed by harambee sacco
where he was sacked of corruption and his name published in the Kenya
gazette, joined Kenya wild life services where he was also sacked with
corruption. Was brought to that ministry after falling interviews by the
county secretary (the acting kleptokrat) to loot and fail that once lively
ministry. Has been soliciting money from contractors, lazy and
4. Mr. Isahiah Ogweh- the county secretary, get ksh 10,000 from sub
county administrators every week, this money comes from collection
from levies and revenue. Owns over 20 companies through proxies
which he awards tenders and pay them money some without even doing
the work. Owns homabay public service board, chief looting officer of
public funds. Controls the office of the governor and county assets and
finances which he uses at his own will and interest.
5 Mr. Apolo- chief of protocol, a conspirator who sleep with your
enemies and sell your secrets to them. Too corrupt and has failed to
advise you rightly, been collecting money from innocent people including
contractors that he will give them either job or connection with your
office. He does the opposite of his job description.
Your excellency your government is quickly falling and we will only
remember you ad a launching governor who replaces morals and service
delivery with corruption and harambee. Act like a governor and use the
authority confers on you by the constitution of Kenya to sack these
corrupt individuals and under performing ministers. Intact most of your
ministered are middle and ignorant. Otherwise homabay is tired of your
government and soon we may b forced to go Burkinafaso way and force
you out of office.

" John Kennedy Aketch
Cyprian Awiti I hope you read from the same script with the people of homa bay county , let me
remind you that Narendra Modi didn't just come the prime minister of India out of the blues , as a
chief minister of Gujarat he achieved a lot for the state in terms of development. Since you took
office you are busy launching when will this projects kick office, you are told you have officer's who
are corrupt & you bury your head in the sand when will start seeing actions in this county , I hated
Okundi with a passion but with all this I believe he would have transform the county better. 2017 is
not far mister."

The county government of homa-bay is a failed government because the governor has become too
adamant to act to the cries from the public. it is a government by criminals, for criminals and with
We have been raising our concerns as citizens with this government but it seems the government is
not interested on the suffering of the electorates. The governor is surrounded by wrong advisers,
implementing projects which were never captured in the county integrated development plan (CIDP).
The advisors continues to lie to the governor every day taking advantage of the governors reluctance
to tour the county and monitor the development progress.
Some times back when i posted here that the county government of Homa-bay has cancelled all the
development projects for this financial year because the development will be used to pay contractors
who were given tenders last financial year and money meant for their payment withdrawn and
directed to individual accounts, some were quick to criticize my allegations like samora owiso.
a county government minister in Homa-bay county early this year opened an account with a south
African bank based Johannesburg along Malibongwe Drive,M1 road in south Africa and deposited
189million shillings.
the county government in the month of september and october lost ksh 200million from the
cooperative bank account in Homa-bay through dubious operations by its chief executives.
ten contractors were forced to pay ksh 200,000 each by a senior government official in the office of
the governor after they were given tenders dubiously.
Some of the local authority accounts are still operational and money siphoned through them by four
senior executives at the office of the governor. Revenue from the markets are siphoned through these
the money meant for former local authority arrears were sent to the county government and the
county secretary together with the minister for finance and another staff at the account office
conspired and looted this money. employees of Oyugis town council had all their documents burn
and indicated that they have been paid all their arrears, the same was done with those from mbita
town council.
The government is run by crooks and a well organized cartels with some of the members of the
county assembly benefiting from the loot in exchange of protection in the assembly.
the governor has been held hostage and these cartels threatens to have impeached by the county
reps if he dares touch them or talk about their corrupt tendencies. Everything is messed and they are
now planning to have the governor impeached by june next year.
The following people have been listed to be sacrifeced in case public pressure becomes stronger on
the governor to sack the cartels;
1. Dan Lieta- county accountant
2. pay roll manager
3. Mr. Abekha- PS
4. Mr. Owidi- Human Resource
5. Mr, Owida- Communications
6. Consolata Yambo- Minister water and environment
7. Dorothy Okello- Minister culture, tourism and Sports
Mr. Governor it is high time you wake up from the honey moon and become a governor. These indian
cartels are sending you earlier than you could imagine.
cc; Tobias Odundo
cc; John Oywa
Cc; Vincent Osaso
Cc; Dan Nyakwar ruoth
Cc; Samora Owiso
Cc; Pamela Okeyo"



Is it that the people of HOMA BAY COUNTY are realy sick  qnd tired with Governor Awiti and his leadership? Well u have the answer from the sample, that is what SIMPLE RANDOM SAMPLE WOR entails from the posting within the county.


Seems the people of Homa Bay county have spoken, they are tired and sick of the weekling leadership structure put under Govn. Awitis' watch, with false promises, white elephant projects, unimplimented manifesto , the voters have said enough is enough as corruption has gained grounds and become the norm, the town has been "forcefully" been kept dirty, from the open litter centre behind Homa bay high school, just adjecent to the stadium on the Hospital road to the dirty stadium.
In our feature today, we sample their thoughs and seek to dig for the truth, can someone say something.

Hon. Cyprian Awiti, governor homabay county, with all the due respect
you need to clean your house beacuase it is in a total mess. Your
ministers and chief executives are defiling this county while you sit and
watch . You employed criminals who are looting our county resources
with impunity. They have ensured that your are locked into a cacoon of
wrong advisers, the Lucifer's diehards.
Hon Cyprian Waiti, if you don't sack the following individuals the count
your government as a failed government;
1. Mr Nick Koriko- minister for finance, this guy is extremely corrupt
and crafty and has been behind scams that has befallen your
government. He has looted over ksh 120 million shillings from homabay
2. Mr. Otie Polo - the county chief auditor, his first name means
corruption and his second name means impunity. He has ensured that
all the auditor queries are covered and you are kept ignorant of what is
happening. I am told he is preparing to control range constituency CDC
comes 2017. Polo is an architecture of corruption in your govt, he has
placed his relatives and family strategically in positions where he can
easily loot from the county. The auditor has been corrupt all his life.
3. Mr. Opala- PS trade and industry, was employed by harambee sacco
where he was sacked of corruption and his name published in the Kenya
gazette, joined Kenya wild life services where he was also sacked with
corruption. Was brought to that ministry after falling interviews by the
county secretary (the acting kleptokrat) to loot and fail that once lively
ministry. Has been soliciting money from contractors, lazy and
4. Mr. Isahiah Ogweh- the county secretary, get ksh 10,000 from sub
county administrators every week, this money comes from collection
from levies and revenue. Owns over 20 companies through proxies
which he awards tenders and pay them money some without even doing
the work. Owns homabay public service board, chief looting officer of
public funds. Controls the office of the governor and county assets and
finances which he uses at his own will and interest.
5 Mr. Apolo- chief of protocol, a conspirator who sleep with your
enemies and sell your secrets to them. Too corrupt and has failed to
advise you rightly, been collecting money from innocent people including
contractors that he will give them either job or connection with your
office. He does the opposite of his job description.
Your excellency your government is quickly falling and we will only
remember you ad a launching governor who replaces morals and service
delivery with corruption and harambee. Act like a governor and use the
authority confers on you by the constitution of Kenya to sack these
corrupt individuals and under performing ministers. Intact most of your
ministered are middle and ignorant. Otherwise homabay is tired of your
government and soon we may b forced to go Burkinafaso way and force
you out of office.

" John Kennedy Aketch
Cyprian Awiti I hope you read from the same script with the people of homa bay county , let me
remind you that Narendra Modi didn't just come the prime minister of India out of the blues , as a
chief minister of Gujarat he achieved a lot for the state in terms of development. Since you took
office you are busy launching when will this projects kick office, you are told you have officer's who
are corrupt & you bury your head in the sand when will start seeing actions in this county , I hated
Okundi with a passion but with all this I believe he would have transform the county better. 2017 is
not far mister."

The county government of homa-bay is a failed government because the governor has become too
adamant to act to the cries from the public. it is a government by criminals, for criminals and with
We have been raising our concerns as citizens with this government but it seems the government is
not interested on the suffering of the electorates. The governor is surrounded by wrong advisers,
implementing projects which were never captured in the county integrated development plan (CIDP).
The advisors continues to lie to the governor every day taking advantage of the governors reluctance
to tour the county and monitor the development progress.
Some times back when i posted here that the county government of Homa-bay has cancelled all the
development projects for this financial year because the development will be used to pay contractors
who were given tenders last financial year and money meant for their payment withdrawn and
directed to individual accounts, some were quick to criticize my allegations like samora owiso.
a county government minister in Homa-bay county early this year opened an account with a south
African bank based Johannesburg along Malibongwe Drive,M1 road in south Africa and deposited
189million shillings.
the county government in the month of september and october lost ksh 200million from the
cooperative bank account in Homa-bay through dubious operations by its chief executives.
ten contractors were forced to pay ksh 200,000 each by a senior government official in the office of
the governor after they were given tenders dubiously.
Some of the local authority accounts are still operational and money siphoned through them by four
senior executives at the office of the governor. Revenue from the markets are siphoned through these
the money meant for former local authority arrears were sent to the county government and the
county secretary together with the minister for finance and another staff at the account office
conspired and looted this money. employees of Oyugis town council had all their documents burn
and indicated that they have been paid all their arrears, the same was done with those from mbita
town council.
The government is run by crooks and a well organized cartels with some of the members of the
county assembly benefiting from the loot in exchange of protection in the assembly.
the governor has been held hostage and these cartels threatens to have impeached by the county
reps if he dares touch them or talk about their corrupt tendencies. Everything is messed and they are
now planning to have the governor impeached by june next year.
The following people have been listed to be sacrifeced in case public pressure becomes stronger on
the governor to sack the cartels;
1. Dan Lieta- county accountant
2. pay roll manager
3. Mr. Abekha- PS
4. Mr. Owidi- Human Resource
5. Mr, Owida- Communications
6. Consolata Yambo- Minister water and environment
7. Dorothy Okello- Minister culture, tourism and Sports
Mr. Governor it is high time you wake up from the honey moon and become a governor. These indian
cartels are sending you earlier than you could imagine.
cc; Tobias Odundo
cc; John Oywa
Cc; Vincent Osaso
Cc; Dan Nyakwar ruoth
Cc; Samora Owiso
Cc; Pamela Okeyo"



Is it that the people of HOMA BAY COUNTY are realy sick  qnd tired with Governor Awiti and his leadership? Well u have the answer from the sample, that is what SIMPLE RANDOM SAMPLE WOR entails from the posting within the county.


Just as I was going through the net, reading condolence messages and the life and history of the Hon. Senator, I came through a piece, a piece that seeks peace to understand,  an article that calls for sobriety in reasoning and thought. I call it sieving the chuff, seeking the truth from the lies, the people from THE COUNTY are speaking and speaking loud enough and I thought to share this, but before I do, I pose to ask, are the people of HOMA BAY COUNTY being divided by his death in efforts to seek truth from lies, better governance and leadership or is it simply a time to speak the truth? A time to do a recap from 2013? And what impacts does this have on ODM?

Hon.Gerald Otieno K’Ajwang was loved and hated on equal measures. K’Ajwang wasn’t as popular
as many are trying to portray, in fact, he won that seat not because the people of Homa Bay County
liked him but because he contested against a weaker candidate. If you remember quite clearly, on the
6th February 2013, he was heckled and forced to cut his speech in front of former Prime Minister
Raila Odinga after he tried to address a rally in Homa Bay County. Let us stop pretending that
K’Ajwang was holier than thou in death than in life, he was against Millie Maboma’s candidature
calling her “migogo” in this era when we are trying to have affirmative action. He literally imposed
our governor his Excellency Cyprian Awiti on us and kept quiet when the governor and his team were
busy raping the county. The problems that ODM party is facing right now are as a result of his
behaviors, he sent Hon. Ruto and his brigade from the party, during the campaigns for ODM party, he
openly said that ODM belongs to them and they’ll not have elections but selections and we all know
what happened their after. He served as the minister for immigration and registration of persons but
did very little to ensure that our people were registered during that last general elections. He macro
managed the nominations of ODM party in Homa Bay county hence having leaders who we did not
really want. Right now, every body is shading crocodile tears while just recently he was the enemy of
everybody. Indeed he was a good debater and an entertainer in rallies but not the way we want to
portray him, he was a failure in many areas. We must find another leader soonest and forge
ahead,the people of Homa Bay need services,K'Ajwang in no more,in any case if he was a Muslim,he
could have been long time buried. # LuoPoliticiansDontDieTheyAreAssasinated "





I rest my case, now you have it!! So sad.


Just as I was going through the net, reading condolence messages and the life and history of the Hon. Senator, I came through a piece, a piece that seeks peace to understand,  an article that calls for sobriety in reasoning and thought. I call it sieving the chuff, seeking the truth from the lies, the people from THE COUNTY are speaking and speaking loud enough and I thought to share this, but before I do, I pose to ask, are the people of HOMA BAY COUNTY being divided by his death in efforts to seek truth from lies, better governance and leadership or is it simply a time to speak the truth? A time to do a recap from 2013? And what impacts does this have on ODM?

Hon.Gerald Otieno K’Ajwang was loved and hated on equal measures. K’Ajwang wasn’t as popular
as many are trying to portray, in fact, he won that seat not because the people of Homa Bay County
liked him but because he contested against a weaker candidate. If you remember quite clearly, on the
6th February 2013, he was heckled and forced to cut his speech in front of former Prime Minister
Raila Odinga after he tried to address a rally in Homa Bay County. Let us stop pretending that
K’Ajwang was holier than thou in death than in life, he was against Millie Maboma’s candidature
calling her “migogo” in this era when we are trying to have affirmative action. He literally imposed
our governor his Excellency Cyprian Awiti on us and kept quiet when the governor and his team were
busy raping the county. The problems that ODM party is facing right now are as a result of his
behaviors, he sent Hon. Ruto and his brigade from the party, during the campaigns for ODM party, he
openly said that ODM belongs to them and they’ll not have elections but selections and we all know
what happened their after. He served as the minister for immigration and registration of persons but
did very little to ensure that our people were registered during that last general elections. He macro
managed the nominations of ODM party in Homa Bay county hence having leaders who we did not
really want. Right now, every body is shading crocodile tears while just recently he was the enemy of
everybody. Indeed he was a good debater and an entertainer in rallies but not the way we want to
portray him, he was a failure in many areas. We must find another leader soonest and forge
ahead,the people of Homa Bay need services,K'Ajwang in no more,in any case if he was a Muslim,he
could have been long time buried. # LuoPoliticiansDontDieTheyAreAssasinated "





I rest my case, now you have it!! So sad.

Friday 21 November 2014



An offer for the weekend plus cheap data bundles for the occupants of the mentioned hostels.



An offer for the weekend plus cheap data bundles for the occupants of the mentioned hostels.

Thursday 20 November 2014


BY; Faith Agape.

Optimistically examining the trend that the current society is taking as a stake to promote future development is rather horrific, perversity has stained the fabric of our society leading to a state of development imbalance across the sectors of the economy. Shockingly, according to the community’s attitude on corruption it seems that this monster has been accepted and welcomed. Consequently, this has led to the onset of a derogating and retrogressive culture.

Tracking the progress of activities from national employment “provision” to land rows to the flagship of development projects ,it reflects the terrible impact of corruption .The recent recruitment of police officers which is alleged to have been a misconduct clearly indicates that administrative activities are yet to be questioned and reformed .This deteriorates the   role of the security and defense wing in the country .On the other hand, the police force is pacesetting in bribery claiming that their economic status is at stake due to poor pay ,delayed promotions ,plus poor accommodation facilities. Perhaps, this may trigger the government to table the matter and chart the way forward condemning the mounting wave of corruption in the security sector. Additionally, it is important for the government to deem the military sector an investive share of the economy as this will yield quality service. When security being instrumental in flourishing a country, is jeopardized the rest of a country’s endeavors are inevitably destabilized.

Land wrangles have recently been the topic of the day and persistently dividing the country on irrational political grounds .The land CS ,Charity Ngilu in liaison with N.L.C chairman Mr. Swazuri are almost chocked by the land disputes that are evidently becoming a hard-nut to crack. The legal ownership of Karen land which is transparently depicting a one-to-many relationship which eventually does not declare rightful ownership is needed bringing discredit to the offices concerned. Though this subsequently piled pressure and simultaneously enlighten the ministry of lands to re-strategize on land policies, the verdict on clearing the Karen land grabbing is barely predictable. This is time consuming and derailing development undertakings in the country. Interestingly, corruption is whirling around this stuff.

Notwithstanding, it is frustrating to learn that some key officials are abusing political mandate to dishonorably acquire land from the common “mwananchi”. Imposing threats to the common people by employing heavily armed security personnel is very misappropriate and humiliating from our leadership. This is an open book for the poor governance and selfishness in leadership. Truthfully, our governance needs refined reconstitution and prefabrication otherwise we are set to tarnish our legacies. The lives of great men and women have illustrated how they left the world better place to live, citing Nelson Mandela, Prof. Wangari, Mother Theresa and many others. Objectively doing mischief with resources for personal gain is a menace and one should be ashamed of because it is countering communal empowerment and achievement. Numerous development engagements have been hampered due to malicious interventions of the so-called flag-bearers .The teachers’ pay tussle has been hampered from regime to regime due to misunderstanding that stemmed from malpractices in the utilization of funds. Isn’t this heartbreaking? Why should teachers-springs of knowledge-who have been voicing out their grievances since 1997, not attended to in a definite manner? For how long will such outcries overwhelmingly suffocating the atmosphere at least come to rest?

Instant action should be taken to avert dire consequences which presumably impede our focus towards actualizing the advancing vision of 2030. In connection to this, the procurement of std1 laptops is a question which I wonder who is to answer yet money had long been allocated this transaction. Corruption is almost becoming a spirit which is invading everyone, from the newborns to the aged. The recent mischievous event by a renowned religious leader has demonstrated how wicked the society has revolutionized. Our familiar holy grounds or places of worship are turning into points of unprofitable contractual agreements and transactions. Why should laws on giving be enforced in discriminatory? Must you plant a seed for your heap of problems to be cleared? This somewhat demeans the value of religious beliefs. We should courageously unlearn the perception of acknowledging that corruption as a necessary evil, since the consequences are depriving. Whatever we do should not only be productive to us but also to others around. This will exponentially increase the zeal to work diligently for the good of the society, essentially in accomplishing communal objectives. A nation should put concerted effort in collaboration with the government to embrace a corruption free trend by vibrantly campaigning and setting s SAY-NO-TO-CORRUPTION Day in a bid to appreciate the benefits ascribed to uploading integrity in our daily dealings. Furthermore, if the society can inculcate the virtue of generosity as well as exercise voluntary service so as to promote and spread dignity across the borders. The Swiss being among the well developed countries across the globe are posing challenge to the rest through the distinct virtue of selflessness and voluntary action which seems to have been injected into the nation. This has fruitfully resulted into well established and stable country upholding and walking in integrity. Failure to achieve is simply dismissing a trail! Otherwise corruption will immortally threaten the future of a nation.

will we ever achieve the vision 2030? Its still a mirage.

vision3 vision2 vision


BY; Faith Agape.

Optimistically examining the trend that the current society is taking as a stake to promote future development is rather horrific, perversity has stained the fabric of our society leading to a state of development imbalance across the sectors of the economy. Shockingly, according to the community’s attitude on corruption it seems that this monster has been accepted and welcomed. Consequently, this has led to the onset of a derogating and retrogressive culture.

Tracking the progress of activities from national employment “provision” to land rows to the flagship of development projects ,it reflects the terrible impact of corruption .The recent recruitment of police officers which is alleged to have been a misconduct clearly indicates that administrative activities are yet to be questioned and reformed .This deteriorates the   role of the security and defense wing in the country .On the other hand, the police force is pacesetting in bribery claiming that their economic status is at stake due to poor pay ,delayed promotions ,plus poor accommodation facilities. Perhaps, this may trigger the government to table the matter and chart the way forward condemning the mounting wave of corruption in the security sector. Additionally, it is important for the government to deem the military sector an investive share of the economy as this will yield quality service. When security being instrumental in flourishing a country, is jeopardized the rest of a country’s endeavors are inevitably destabilized.

Land wrangles have recently been the topic of the day and persistently dividing the country on irrational political grounds .The land CS ,Charity Ngilu in liaison with N.L.C chairman Mr. Swazuri are almost chocked by the land disputes that are evidently becoming a hard-nut to crack. The legal ownership of Karen land which is transparently depicting a one-to-many relationship which eventually does not declare rightful ownership is needed bringing discredit to the offices concerned. Though this subsequently piled pressure and simultaneously enlighten the ministry of lands to re-strategize on land policies, the verdict on clearing the Karen land grabbing is barely predictable. This is time consuming and derailing development undertakings in the country. Interestingly, corruption is whirling around this stuff.

Notwithstanding, it is frustrating to learn that some key officials are abusing political mandate to dishonorably acquire land from the common “mwananchi”. Imposing threats to the common people by employing heavily armed security personnel is very misappropriate and humiliating from our leadership. This is an open book for the poor governance and selfishness in leadership. Truthfully, our governance needs refined reconstitution and prefabrication otherwise we are set to tarnish our legacies. The lives of great men and women have illustrated how they left the world better place to live, citing Nelson Mandela, Prof. Wangari, Mother Theresa and many others. Objectively doing mischief with resources for personal gain is a menace and one should be ashamed of because it is countering communal empowerment and achievement. Numerous development engagements have been hampered due to malicious interventions of the so-called flag-bearers .The teachers’ pay tussle has been hampered from regime to regime due to misunderstanding that stemmed from malpractices in the utilization of funds. Isn’t this heartbreaking? Why should teachers-springs of knowledge-who have been voicing out their grievances since 1997, not attended to in a definite manner? For how long will such outcries overwhelmingly suffocating the atmosphere at least come to rest?

Instant action should be taken to avert dire consequences which presumably impede our focus towards actualizing the advancing vision of 2030. In connection to this, the procurement of std1 laptops is a question which I wonder who is to answer yet money had long been allocated this transaction. Corruption is almost becoming a spirit which is invading everyone, from the newborns to the aged. The recent mischievous event by a renowned religious leader has demonstrated how wicked the society has revolutionized. Our familiar holy grounds or places of worship are turning into points of unprofitable contractual agreements and transactions. Why should laws on giving be enforced in discriminatory? Must you plant a seed for your heap of problems to be cleared? This somewhat demeans the value of religious beliefs. We should courageously unlearn the perception of acknowledging that corruption as a necessary evil, since the consequences are depriving. Whatever we do should not only be productive to us but also to others around. This will exponentially increase the zeal to work diligently for the good of the society, essentially in accomplishing communal objectives. A nation should put concerted effort in collaboration with the government to embrace a corruption free trend by vibrantly campaigning and setting s SAY-NO-TO-CORRUPTION Day in a bid to appreciate the benefits ascribed to uploading integrity in our daily dealings. Furthermore, if the society can inculcate the virtue of generosity as well as exercise voluntary service so as to promote and spread dignity across the borders. The Swiss being among the well developed countries across the globe are posing challenge to the rest through the distinct virtue of selflessness and voluntary action which seems to have been injected into the nation. This has fruitfully resulted into well established and stable country upholding and walking in integrity. Failure to achieve is simply dismissing a trail! Otherwise corruption will immortally threaten the future of a nation.

will we ever achieve the vision 2030? Its still a mirage.

vision3 vision2 vision

Tuesday 18 November 2014

#mydressmychoice: utter nonsense!!

#mydressmychoice: utter nonsense.

We cannot, we will not, we will never ever come out in large numbers, we will never support a demonstration seeking a leeway to legalize nudity, a demonstration in support to indecency, a demonstration seeking to hoodwink men and boys into social immorality. I watched in pain as women and ladies of substance took to the streets, to every pavement and corners of this our small city, seeking authenticity of indecency, a roadmap towards societal moral decadence. It was a walk, a useless painful walk, a walk in the wild seeking and searching for elusive support, drawing unnecessary attention from the lazy, the old and the easily gullible in a society full of elite and goal oriented citizenry.

Miniskirts have never been, are not and will never be a modern, technological or even a digital version of beauty, so stop this creepy nonsense ladies, its time you grew up, open your eyes and see! When you walk down the lane, the streets and to the business pavements in that micro outfit, how does it feel like? What does it portray? You do not only create a feeling of lust among men and gentlemen, but also lure them to sexual immorality and disrupt attention.

It costs nothing to dress decently, it harbors no pain to look smart in that nice outfit. Whenever cases of rape are read out in the courts, reasons range far and wide, from lust to revealing outfits that drew sexual feelings, save for the rest.

In light to the stripping incidences at Kayole and Embassava, a clear message has been sent out, a worthy testimony in the public domain, that it is time we did away with indecent, revealing clothes and just like our neighbors’, Uganda, ban wearing of the miniskirts. I do not seek or even purport to support the ongoing stripping spree in Kenya, a journey started in high tempo, in fact I “condemn it” in the strongest terms possible.

Your dress ceases to be your choice when it disrupts others from their work, when it draws majority into temptation and in this context, coital warfare. This decay in the morals of a society is not only bad for the future posterity but also an impediment towards the fight on HIV/AIDS. As Kenya grapples with this menace, let it go the Uganda way, declare a total ban on miniskirts and public indecent behavior or rather have strict “Nudity and decency laws” just like in the States.

As I pen my final words, it’s my thought that all those who took part in the “silly” campaigns on #mydressmychoice are the remaining few immoral outwits that we have remaining with us in the society, it’s high time we took them to Mathare for a checkup! Hey, look at United Kingdom, the fashion city, do they do miniskirts? The answer is an outright NO, yet those ladies are beautiful, that is, if beauty was a measure of outward appearance of which I strongly disagree.

Ladies, beauty is a measure of your inward capability, character and personality. They say, when it walks like a duck, waddles like a duck, behaves like a duck, then surely it is. So when you want to make no difference between “the business associates” in K- Street and yourselves, then you cease being whom you are and become “a high tech business associate”. When we stop politicizing everything in Kenya, we shall brew decency and high moral standards. Let’s come out and rebuke, as the police do what they are good at, investigate, arrest and prosecute the strippers as we say a big NO to immorality and indecent dressing and kiss goodbye to miniskirts and this entire bullshit of #mydressmychoice. If you want to practice nudity, if you want to practice stripping then kindly do not use our roads, highways and pavements as the rehearsal grounds, you risk embarrassment!!!

nudity tooshort nothing being decent indecency how too short

[caption id="attachment_370" align="alignnone" width="183"]photo courtesy: Standard media group and photo courtesy: Standard media group and[/caption]

a link to the nudity and public decency laws in America states..(a) A person commits the crime of indecent exposure if, with intent to arouse or gratify sexual desire of himself or of any person other than his spouse, he exposes his genitals under circumstances in which he knows his conduct is likely to cause affront or alarm in any public place or on the private premises of another or so near thereto as to be seen from such private,d.d2s

#mydressmychoice: utter nonsense!!

#mydressmychoice: utter nonsense.

We cannot, we will not, we will never ever come out in large numbers, we will never support a demonstration seeking a leeway to legalize nudity, a demonstration in support to indecency, a demonstration seeking to hoodwink men and boys into social immorality. I watched in pain as women and ladies of substance took to the streets, to every pavement and corners of this our small city, seeking authenticity of indecency, a roadmap towards societal moral decadence. It was a walk, a useless painful walk, a walk in the wild seeking and searching for elusive support, drawing unnecessary attention from the lazy, the old and the easily gullible in a society full of elite and goal oriented citizenry.

Miniskirts have never been, are not and will never be a modern, technological or even a digital version of beauty, so stop this creepy nonsense ladies, its time you grew up, open your eyes and see! When you walk down the lane, the streets and to the business pavements in that micro outfit, how does it feel like? What does it portray? You do not only create a feeling of lust among men and gentlemen, but also lure them to sexual immorality and disrupt attention.

It costs nothing to dress decently, it harbors no pain to look smart in that nice outfit. Whenever cases of rape are read out in the courts, reasons range far and wide, from lust to revealing outfits that drew sexual feelings, save for the rest.

In light to the stripping incidences at Kayole and Embassava, a clear message has been sent out, a worthy testimony in the public domain, that it is time we did away with indecent, revealing clothes and just like our neighbors’, Uganda, ban wearing of the miniskirts. I do not seek or even purport to support the ongoing stripping spree in Kenya, a journey started in high tempo, in fact I “condemn it” in the strongest terms possible.

Your dress ceases to be your choice when it disrupts others from their work, when it draws majority into temptation and in this context, coital warfare. This decay in the morals of a society is not only bad for the future posterity but also an impediment towards the fight on HIV/AIDS. As Kenya grapples with this menace, let it go the Uganda way, declare a total ban on miniskirts and public indecent behavior or rather have strict “Nudity and decency laws” just like in the States.

As I pen my final words, it’s my thought that all those who took part in the “silly” campaigns on #mydressmychoice are the remaining few immoral outwits that we have remaining with us in the society, it’s high time we took them to Mathare for a checkup! Hey, look at United Kingdom, the fashion city, do they do miniskirts? The answer is an outright NO, yet those ladies are beautiful, that is, if beauty was a measure of outward appearance of which I strongly disagree.

Ladies, beauty is a measure of your inward capability, character and personality. They say, when it walks like a duck, waddles like a duck, behaves like a duck, then surely it is. So when you want to make no difference between “the business associates” in K- Street and yourselves, then you cease being whom you are and become “a high tech business associate”. When we stop politicizing everything in Kenya, we shall brew decency and high moral standards. Let’s come out and rebuke, as the police do what they are good at, investigate, arrest and prosecute the strippers as we say a big NO to immorality and indecent dressing and kiss goodbye to miniskirts and this entire bullshit of #mydressmychoice. If you want to practice nudity, if you want to practice stripping then kindly do not use our roads, highways and pavements as the rehearsal grounds, you risk embarrassment!!!

nudity tooshort nothing being decent indecency how too short

[caption id="attachment_370" align="alignnone" width="183"]photo courtesy: Standard media group and photo courtesy: Standard media group and[/caption]

a link to the nudity and public decency laws in America states..(a) A person commits the crime of indecent exposure if, with intent to arouse or gratify sexual desire of himself or of any person other than his spouse, he exposes his genitals under circumstances in which he knows his conduct is likely to cause affront or alarm in any public place or on the private premises of another or so near thereto as to be seen from such private,d.d2s

Wednesday 12 November 2014


The misfortune of Gor Mahia seems to have come to end with the president’s last minute call before he left for the burial of his friend, the late president of Zambia, Mr. Sata

gor4 gor7 gor10

. The community club has managed to survive all through, thanks to the undying support of their ever willing and ready huge fan base. Congratulations are also in order for the KPL champions 2014 for the great show and effort, they have fought hard and a reward, the trophy, was in order.

gor1 gor2 gor3 gor6

The question now is, will president KENYATTA honor his word? Well he has always and he might just prove that any time soon.

gor2 gor5 gor8 gor9


The misfortune of Gor Mahia seems to have come to end with the president’s last minute call before he left for the burial of his friend, the late president of Zambia, Mr. Sata

gor4 gor7 gor10

. The community club has managed to survive all through, thanks to the undying support of their ever willing and ready huge fan base. Congratulations are also in order for the KPL champions 2014 for the great show and effort, they have fought hard and a reward, the trophy, was in order.

gor1 gor2 gor3 gor6

The question now is, will president KENYATTA honor his word? Well he has always and he might just prove that any time soon.

gor2 gor5 gor8 gor9