Monday 18 August 2014


When you get to read this article, either from campus corridors,  academic paths or the gossiping hotspots of hostel Q** and J** , my dear, you will learn that it is too late to say sorry, and in Tarrus rilleys' words, sorry is just a word.

From the very day you were diagnosed with a serious disease that could have caused your life, I stood by you. I forgot our differences and provided a shoulder to lean on, I provided a listening ear to the one I loved, to one whom had it not been for uncertainities of life, could have been a mother to the family! When you paid me a visit, I sensed all was not ok, but I could not let you know that your condition was worsening,  how could I even start telling you that you were soon to leave us? Above all how could I stand your absence? I had started tuning my mind and prepared for "everything".  When you passed away last night, twice to be precise, at consecutive intervals of an hour, you talked much, you lay bare you love for your "hubby" and your niece. That was just the begening, then you started wasting, so fast that I had to tell you but with caution, I empathized, it was sad to see you leave this early as the world was not prepaired to say adieu.

Did the varsity Doctor tell you that you passed out again in her office? You fell down so quick  and fast hitting your head on the tiles that she broke into tears. Your ordeal was one of its kind, a tear dropping one, but how could I let you know? I kept the secret for the sake of our relationship. Even if I had to tell you, it will be as if  I am injecting another dose of trauma in you. My love, you remember nothing, I mean entirely nothing.

The other day you lay in the hospital bed, far away to seek private treatment as your condition was worsening, there I stood by you, a second after the other praying hoping for the best. Those were my most trying moments.

I may take a whole centuary to reminisce the jovial-sad past, they seem outstanding,  blissful and sad.

The last words you uttered on that bed and I beside you, "ken, promise you wont leave me......promise to love me forever.....". "...Yes dear, I gona stand by you...." I responded in a somber mood. Symbolically that dark string was hanging up-down, my faith was fading so fast but my love was determined.

It may seem to some as if I am writing a "living" autobiography but I am not. The last thing that struck my heart was, at last, grass shall grow and the rains shall fall to wash away the smokey past.

I always whispered in your ear and even cracked jokes on the shocker of this inter-ethnic relationship between "these" two antagonising sides, just to always prepare you for the challanges that awaited it. You always responded by saying, ".......ken, I am ready to fight for my love...." Today stands no history but a documented record of my saying, you bowed to the pressure.

It may seem as if hatred is brewed in the heart, but the soul overflows with joy, pain and experience.  You may have persectively viewed my limit of your association to some circles of your boyfriend's as being jealous,  No, I was trying to restore your image, build your reputation and uphold your moral standards. Infact, my heart is a high vault of philanthropy.
I may have categorically quoted your first love because I knew you had an unfinished affair!!

My assertion tonight might be skewed but honest. You had an unfinished affair, infact a secret affair of betrayal,  a vangeful act and a pin nailing truth of the in compatability of the antagonising two. When you get this information,  I dont know of how you will react, you may laugh and make merry, as well as you may sink in deep tears.

You owe me a dime, I owe your a precious gold, blood gold!! I know you understand what I mean, the war of emotions and feelings has been long, tiring, painful and heart wretching but we have fought it, we have fought dedicatively, we have fought united, we have fought deligently ,we had prepared our ethnic arsenal and our artillery were all forcused to the few bewitched hard tribalists.Unfortunately we have fallen for the enemy, we have been subdued and our territory taken over.

At one point, history draws it close, that when it walks like a duck,  waddles like a duck, behaves like a duck then surely, it is one. You may not have been previlledged to see your in-laws, but I believe that was all the Almighty plan.

As I pen the final bits of this short note, all seems impossible, the interpretation that you give it is actually what stands.For that was the short journey towards matrimony we travelled, traversing the the deep seas of problems, oceans of tribulations and rivers of challanges.

I bid bye to you, from your sick bed I stood with you, for better for worse, in joy and sadness for the duration of life. I say adieu for the unfinished affair, I hand over the elements of power, the arsenal of war to the highest ethno-relatic bidder, to the perpertuators of perenial ethno-centred strings of relatic war, the protagonists! 

The journey might have seemed long and boring, but this marks the end, One day, you’ll understand
that waiting isn’t easy at all,You’ll understand that waiting is like you let your scars left unhealed.
One day, you’ll understand that saying the truth isn’t easy at all.You’ll understand that saying the truth is like stabbing yourself, noticing the impact of the truth for the one you’ll understand that letting go isn’t easy at all.You’ll understand that letting go is like let you die little by little, you’ll understand that loving someone isn’t easy at all, loving someone is like trying to change the whole world, knowing that (S)he never loves .

My dear, I should admit that sometimes we need to let go of things we’ve never had or things that just not mean to be for us.
I should admit that sometimes we need to let go of memories we’ve experienced or memories that cut like knifes.sometimes
we need to let go of someone we’ve loved or someone who’s definitely wouldn’t fight for us.You should know that sometimes you should let them go because you really deserve to be happy.

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